Teaching, and Understanding, Systems Software with FreeBSD and DTrace


時間: 105.12.8(四) 13:30~15:30

地點: 工程三館 330室

演講者:George V. Neille-Neil 

(FreeBSD core team member, FreeBSD foundation director) 

 演講題目:Teaching, and Understanding, Systems Software with FreeBSD and DTrace


We have observed a decline in the teaching of operating systems

fundamentals in a period where it is becoming more important, in large

part due to a lack of contemporary and re-usable material, and

training for people to teach operating systems. Where such courses

still exist they work with toys rather than real systems, avoid

interesting micro-architectural elements required to achieve

performance on contemporary systems, omit coverage of the features

developers are most likely to engage with e.g., multi-threading,

multi-core hardware, and networking. Finally, and perhaps most

importantly, they fail to teach suitable experimental methodology to

allow developers to evaluate whether their performance work is



It is our belief that giving students the ability to observe, at run

time, the inner workings of a complex system, such as the FreeBSD

Operating System, provides them with a clearer understanding of how

such systems ought to work in theory, how they actually work in

practice, and how to design systems that attain a very high quality in

the field.


All of our teaching materials are on line: http://teachbsd.org



George likes to say that he, "Works on networking and operating system

code for fun and profit." Writing machine code, building hardware and

teaching computing since his teens, his first profit making

programming gig was hacking DBase III code for an insurance company

while still in High School. He published his first piece of commercial

software, an audio digitizer for the then popular Amiga computer,

while still in college.


He is the author of two leading books on operating systems, the latest

co-authored with Marshall Kirk McKusick and Robert N. M. Watson of The

Design and implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System 2nd Ed.


Standing firmly at the intersection of industry and academia and due

to his top ranking as software development, George has worked on

research projects with the University of Cambridge as well as the

University of Twente in the Netherlands. He has spent many years

producing commercial software for companies such as Wind River

Systems, who, along with NASA, put a bit of his code on Mars with the

Pathfinder probe.


For over ten years he has been the columnist better known as Kode

Vicious, producing the most widely read column in both of ACM's

premier flagship magazines, "Queue" and "Communications of the ACM".

More recently he was tapped to chair the ACM Practitioner Board, which

is dedicated to bridging the gap between research and industry, where

he helped create the ACM Applicative conference.


He is an avid bicyclist and traveler who speaks several languages

including Japanese, and Dutch as well as English, and has lived and

worked in Amsterdam and Tokyo. He currently lives in Brooklyn, New



NCTU330 / 交通大學工程三館330教室


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